Horstmann Technique
Gentle Bodywork
The Horstmann Technique (HT), is a simple and gentle bodywork therapy developed in 1995 by Australian naturopath Trish Trowbridge - it is now used all over the world. This work aims to promote healing and wellness by releasing blockages developed in the body. These blockages can be identified by stiffness or pain, decreased range of motion, or weakness in the limbs. It may also be an emotional block such as recurring thoughts or the inability to move on after a distressing event.
The philosophy is that old traumas and negative experiences often lodge in the body’s cellular memory causing subtle energy blockages in parts of the body.
With physical injuries, there are accompanying emotions, sensations and fears. These energies are laid down in the body’s tissue and become a part of the injury, often remaining trapped for years, and become a blockage.
In turn, these blockages can give rise to further problems such as postural misalignment, imbalances in biochemistry and repeated patterns of unhealthy emotional or behaviour responses.
When these trapped energies are released by physically unwinding the local tissue, the emotion is also released and integrity is restored to the system. Symptoms seem to just disappear.
Gentle and Passive Technique
Horstmann Technique uses movement and passive stretching. The therapist holds a series of energy points on the patient’s body, while lifting and rotating the arm, leg or foot. The patient is fully clothed and lying on a treatment table. The movements gently increase the range of motion and muscles let go of their own accord.
Physical and Emotional Healing
Physically, the flexibility of muscle and tendons will increase, resulting in better posture and reduction in pain. Emotionally, the technique can help break down old patterns and help you form new positive thoughts and habits. The process can lead to amazing results.
Ongoing Improvements
Horstmann Technique method helps to improve circulation, increases range of motion and freedom of movement and activity. Some changes are experienced during initial sessions, more lasting and effective results can be seen during further sessions of this therapy.
Alternative to Stronger Techniques
Some patients are too fragile to cope with strong bodywork such as physiotherapy, chiropractic or massage therapy. HT can assist with many of the same problems - Back issues, Sciatica, Shoulder and neck issues, Headache from structural problems, Migraine, Sport injuries.
Most people don’t know that physical unwinding or somatic release therapy is an effective way to address emotional issues and are pleasantly surprised to feel their stress dissolve, their mood lift and their thoughts become lighter and brighter.
"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease."
– Hippocrates